Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is home to many ministries:
Quilting – We create approximately 350 quilts a year for Lutheran World Relief! These quilts travel the world over, and even go to people who have experienced natural disasters or crisis incidents in the United States. You may join us on Wednesdays, anytime between 9-2pm, in our Fellowship Hall – no experience needed. You only need the desire to have fun, enjoy great conversation, and have a heart to give of your time to serve a family or child.
Bible Studies – We have various studies throughout the week, from Ladies that meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 1pm in our Fireside Room. WELCA also meets the 2nd Tuesday at 9:30 for a Board Meeting to discuss ministry opportunities. The Men’s Fellowship has a Wednesday morning group that meet at Tini Square Deli currently at 7:30 am.
Our new “FunDuhMentals” study recently started and will continue through the fall the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the Fireside Room. We are learning how to use resources during our Bible Study that are available to make it easier, such as phone apps, websites, and Study & Reference Bibles.
“WELCA” Women of the ELCA – We are a group of ladies that love to share our interests and ideas about life with each other, and share the love of Christ with the outside world around us. Our circle groups are involved with many service projects, such as, creating newborn kits, school backpack kits, camperships for youth at Camp Vermilion, quilting, prayer shawls, hospital care kits, etc. If you attend the church, you are considered a member, and can join in the meetings and devotion times whenever you are able (see above), and take part in whatever projects you feel called to do. We invite you to join us and share your ideas!
Men in Missions – This group of men meet once a month to learn about service projects in the church and beyond that they can become involved in. It is part mentor-ship and part service, resulting in service to others.
Prayer Shawls- Some things in life just make getting through a crisis or illness a little bit easier. . . one of those things is receiving a prayer shawl handmade by one of our OSLC Ladies. It is a tangible thing that helps us focus on our prayer time with the Lord, and giving these to someone who is going through a trial lets them know they are prayed over by those in the church, and they are not alone. If you know of a person who is sick, or experiencing a life changing crisis and your not sure what to do, stop by the church for a prayer shawl. You will find them on the Shawl Tree as you enter our sanctuary. It makes a very thoughtful and sincere gift for a person who is suffering and could use the comfort and connection to a church body that takes prayer seriously.
We are currently involved in a few mission opportunities that serve people beyond the continental United States, such as the Northeastern Minnesota Synod’s Honduras Ministry, the “Mission Jamaica” team comprised of various churches that join together for annual trips to build houses and work at an orphanage. Many people in our congregation can fill you in on opportunities and projects. In January of 2020 we had 22 congregants travel to Jamaica to serve children and families.
To serve our local community, WELCA and various congregants serve people by gathering food for the area food shelf, we hold an annual clothing sale for the community (proceeds go back out to various non-profit agencies in this community), and we give to Salvation Army, two local shelter/transition homes, Lutheran Social Services, United Way and Quad Cities Food Shelf. We also create Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets full of food for gifts to several families during both holidays. When particular needs arise we find ways to give back to our families right here in the Quad Cities area and the greater Iron Range, as well as for natural disasters and war refugees worldwide. Loving our neighbors and serving others is an important part of life at OSLC, and there are many ways to get involved.